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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Supervision Leadership Web Conference July 28, 2011

Week 3 Web Conference:

The web conference this week focused mainly on Action Research Plans. Ed Tech students, like myself, seem to be very confused about the the fact that we are being asked to somehow focus in 2 areas-Educational Leadership and Technology. Some of the students had never even heard of the ELCC standards until their last 2 courses.This seems highly difficult and imbalanced. It is challenging enough to complete all of the requirements for Technology, but to add the Adminstration principals to our plan is nearly impossible. The work load that I currenly have is extremely overwhelming. My solution to the problem is the try my best to overlap both areas, hoping that this will meet the requirements.

Another focus of the conference was that many students could find no evidence of an IRB in their districts, as the assignment called for. I too discovered that my district do not currently require one. This information was a relief to most of us who felt as if maybe we had missed something.

Lastly, many participants shared their Action Research Plan topics, struggles and success. It was interesting to see the different topics that others were focusing on. The plans are definitely different for Admin colleagues and EdTech colleagues.

Overall, this conference was somewhat helpful to me. I would like to see more of the discussions typed out, as opposed to being answered aloud. Sometimes the sound unclear and I feel like I am missing pertainent information.

Shawntee’ Cowan

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Supervision Leadership Web Conference July 19, 2011

During this web conference some of the questions that I had about the assignment or the program were answered. Listed below are some the questions that I had:

Where is the Admin Google Site that Dr. Mason spoke of in order to locate information regarding the ILD training and LCE test?

This information can be found on:

Should I take the upcoming LCE test in Dallas, even if I’m not prepared?

Dr. Martin informed me that I should. He also stated that in the future, they were going to place the exam online in course EDLD 5398. However, I will not be taking this course. Most of the ET people in their 10th course are not. I will be taking the exam on the 30th.

What should we as ET people reflect on in part 6A of the assignment? Should we reflect on the nine competencies or the 33 indicators?

Dr. Marin explained that we could do one or both, depending on what degree plan we are on. If we are seeking a principal certification, we could do both.

Shawntee’ Cowan

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Web Conference-July 12, 2011 Supervision Internship

During this web conference, I was able to gain some information that I have been very confused about. It seems as though since the last few course have been a combination of EA and ET degrees, pertinent information has seemed to be left out. I feel as though missing a web conference will be a great detriment to me, because the assignment instructions and syllabus is not clear enough. Below I will reflect on some of the information that I have gained.

1.Leadership Book

An ET student asked if we had to purchase the text book that the assignment was referring to in the assignment. Dr. Mason explained that we did not. We will be able to fulfill the requirements of the assignment, even without a book. This book was one that should have already been purchased by EA students during their first course. I believe that this information should have been provided in the assignment instructions or in EPIC.

2. Evaluation Form

Our assignment speaks of a form that we will need to give to our site mentor as an evaluation for us. As an ET student, the information did not seem to apply to me. Dr. Mason stated that there would be another for placed in the “Resources” section by the end of this week that will be made specifically for ET students. She said that we could also use the ET evaluation for as well.

3. Assignment 1 Part 4

Many students , including myself, have been confused about the section of the evaluation on “Part 4” that states “To What Extent”. This phrase should have been placed in the instructions, not about the evaluation column. Dr. Martin explained that this was simply to let us know that we should elaborate on our answers, as opposed to placing just “yes or no” answers. He also said that we do not have to answer every question, but only the ones that pertain to us. Once again, this is something that should be openly shared with all students.

I am certainly glad that I was able to receive information from the web conferences. I feel that without this vital information, I would have remained lost. Hopefully, thy will consider giving all students the information that is needed for success regardless of whether or not they attend the web conference.

Shawntee’ Cowan